Parent Organisation Pudong (POP)

Written by Roseline Yang (Community Relations Officer) and Nadine Runkel (POP Liaison Officer)

Once your child or children joins YCIS, you as a parent automatically become a member of our YCIS Parents Organization Pudong (POP).  This is because YCIS believes that no matter how great a school can be, a well-rounded education for our children can only happen with the partnership of families.

back-to-school-reading-with-momBeing involved in your child’s life is the key to your child’s development. Parental involvement starts, for the youngest, by accompanying your child to school and helping your child to feel confident during their school day with their teachers and peers; for primary children by reading books with your child – as this mother of two children is doing every morning while waiting for the school to start. You can see how big the pile of books is for the brother!  For secondary children, its by being present and being aware of their interests and life at school.  Getting involved in school life and supporting your child’s educators can definitely strengthen your relationship and give you a greater overview of your child’s life.

parents-article-welcome-gathering-adjustedThis year, our POP Core Committee is composed of 15 members, who will strive to bring our community together through workshops, tours and events. These committed YCIS parents are always looking for ways to make parent involvement more attractive and easily accessible. A great example of this, as presented at the POP Welcome Gathering, is the QR Code for our POP Blog where parents can find information about workshops, sign up and how to be involved in school life and the community.

YCIS aligns with Love and Charity – this part of our School Motto is very dear to us in POP. We have supported a number of charities over the years, Heart to Heart being one of them.

img_2222Through their involvement, parents also show their children that they can help others by raising money to support charity organizations. A reflection of this could be seen recently at our Secondary School, where some students organized a bake sale to raise money to help victims of the Italian Earthquake.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for their involvement last year in supporting your child’s class teachers and helping with our school events and we look forward to an exciting year ahead!